Construction defect claims can take many different forms, and we’ve seen them all. From structural damage to foundations and floor slabs due to heaving soils, mold and water damage caused by improper drainage and leaks, to concrete and asphalt damage as a result of faulty installation — the attorneys at McKenzie Mena specialize in the full spectrum of common defects and special problems.
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Your home’s foundation walls, interior slabs and other structural components can be severely affected by soil movement. Because of the highly expansive soils in Colorado, California and Texas, structural damage can be extreme if proper measures are not taken during construction. This can lead to damage and you might require a structural damage attorney.
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Sub-base preparation and drainage are key elements of proper concrete and asphalt construction. Defects in either can result in damage and cause safety hazards, such as asphalt damage.
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Exterior Insulation & Finish System (EIFS) is a synthetic stucco product that was designed to replace traditional exterior building materials like cement plaster, siding and masonry veneer. These traditional systems are designed to manage water penetration through the installation of a secondary weather-resistive barrier, flashing and weeps. Unlike these traditional systems, barrier-type EIFS does not incorporate the use of a secondary moisture barrier.
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So-called “swelling” soils or “expansive soils” contain clay minerals that attract and absorb water. As a result, these soils expand when they get wet and shrink when they dry. When expansive soils become wet and expand, the resulting expanding pressure can cause uplift against concrete slabs and foundation footings, causing a wide variety of damages to buildings and surrounding areas.
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Roof damage can be one of the most damaging of all the defect types and for the homeowner, certainly one of the most alarming. Sometimes roof leaks will appear as stains on the interior drywall surfaces and ceilings, or they may be hidden within the structure itself. After any major rain, check for staining that may form in the ceiling drywall surfaces or adjoining wall surfaces.
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Grading and drainage issues can result in...
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Mold and water damage often occur at the “building envelope” — the outside barrier of the building. It includes the roof, windows, exterior cladding (e.g., the stucco, siding, EIFS and/or stone), and the flashings and sealants that integrate these building components with each other. The building envelope should keep water and air from getting into the building cavity (framing, insulation, etc.) and ultimately the interior of the home.
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The popularity of lofts & high rises has resulted in a rush by builders to meet demand. Loft and high-rise construction presents numerous challenges for both new construction and converting existing structures. Typically, problems first manifest themselves with water intrusion —when water enters the building around windows and sliding glass doors as a result of a lack of flashing and other water-proofing details.
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Water ponding on a deck or balcony surface, or the presence of permanent stains due to improper slope or drainage devices can be indicators of deck problems and balcony problems. Other problems include improper flashings, sealants or coatings, and improper deck/balcony attachment to the structure. Poor design and construction can be the beginning of many problems that can result in structural failure of the deck or balcony.
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Stucco problems are very common and often affect the aesthetic of your home. This stucco damage can result from defective stucco mixture materials, non-uniform thickness, and insufficient strength of the cement plaster caused by improper mixing or curing of the stucco cement. Reinforcing problems can also result from missing or defective lathing wire, structural discontinuity, and inadequate attachment to the building structure.
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Due to the many facets of window design and assembly, window problems are very common and can result in water intrusion. Defects may be caused by improper flashing installation, paper application, and improper use of sealants or lack thereof. The window itself may be defective in its design and factory construction. Damage can be severe if not remedied immediately.
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